Foreign Policy for America Endorses
Kamala Harris for President

Vice President Harris endorsed by nonpartisan Foreign Policy for America



WASHINGTON D.C. - Following President Joe Biden’s decision not to seek re-election, Foreign Policy for America is proud to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States.

“For the last three and a half years, Vice President Harris has played a central role in American diplomacy, standing side by side with President Biden to lead the recovery from COVID and the global economic recession, rebuild and expand U.S. alliances, make historic investments in the clean energy transition, and rally the world to stand up to Vladimir Putin,” said Andrew Albertson, Executive Director of Foreign Policy for America. “She has consistently offered a compelling vision for U.S. leadership in the world, leading efforts to deepen and expand U.S. security ties, expand market access for American businesses, and address urgent humanitarian crises around the globe. She will enter office with more national security experience than any president in the last thirty years except President Biden. She is ready to lead and we are proud to endorse her.”

"We need a leader who can unite America and a Commander in Chief with the experience and judgment to navigate a complex and turbulent world. No one is more qualified than Vice President Harris,” said Dr. Colin Kahl, FP4A Advisory Board Member and Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy in the Biden administration. “Unlike Donald Trump, Vice President Harris will defend our democracy at home, stand with unwavering resolve in the face of our adversaries, and rally our unrivaled network of our allies and partners to confront shared challenges."

“The stakes of this election for U.S. national security and the world could not be higher. We need a President who understands that U.S. leadership in the world is critical to providing Americans with the prosperity and security they deserve, that our alliances and partnerships are a huge source of strategic advantage, and that leading requires living our democratic values at home and abroad,” said Michèle Flournoy, Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy in the Obama administration. “Vice President Kamala Harris is such a leader. She has the intelligence, experience and judgment to safeguard US national security in these volatile and consequential times.”

"Kamala Harris is an effective force for American statecraft. She has been a particularly authoritative global voice to protect U.S. interests in outer space and ensure safe access for all space-faring nations," said Rose Gottemoeller, FP4A Advisory Board Member and Former Deputy Secretary General of NATO.

“Earlier this year at the Munich Security Conference, as Allies in Europe shuddered at the prospect of a chaotic and unpredictable second Trump term, Vice President Harris made clear that she is committed to an America that is engaged and leading in the world,” said Ambassador Dan Baer, FP4A Advisory Board Member and Former U.S. Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. “‘Our sacred commitment to NATO remains ironclad,' she said. She understands that a strong, secure, innovative, prosperous Europe benefits the United States, and vice versa--and that in a challenging world, America is stronger with allies.”

“Vice President Kamala Harris is a global leader to advance the rights of women and girls and to uplift their critical role in stability, peace and prosperity,” said Stephenie Foster, FP4A Board Member and Former Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of State. “As part of the Biden-Harris Administration, she has bolstered women’s economic and political empowerment both at home and abroad, and has led efforts to expand access to jobs, skills and political power for women. In her own words, ‘the status of women is the status of democracy, … and the full participation of women strengthens democracy.’”

“In her travels and work across the Indo-Pacific, Kamala Harris has been strong, clear, and principled. She is a champion for strengthening U.S. alliances across the Indo-Pacific, and is well respected with leaders across the region,” said Abraham Denmark, Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for AUKUS. “From Taiwan to the South China Sea, she has been clear-eyed about China’s assertiveness and is unequivocal about the critical role of American power and leadership in maintaining a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

"Early in her tenure as Vice President, Kamala Harris took on the difficult challenge of promoting improved economic conditions in Central America. She showed strategic leadership from the start, focusing on where she could make a difference through her connections with major American businesses and investors. Without her, we could never have gotten the more than $4 billion in commitments to a region desperate for jobs and new opportunities,” said Ricardo Zúniga, Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs. "Kamala Harris showed in the most direct way possible that America's commitment to improved conditions in the Americas, visiting Central America multiple times and bringing much needed jobs through her personal advocacy with American business leaders. She is personally responsible for billions of dollars in private sector commitments that would not have happened without her."

In key places around the world, and at crucial moments, Vice President Harris has played a central role. As part of the Biden Administration’s efforts to inject stability into the U.S.-China relationship in 2022, she met with China’s Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the APEC meeting in Bangkok. She went on to meet with dozens of leaders across the Indo-Pacific to help deepen U.S. security ties in the region, expand economic opportunities for American businesses, and manage competition with China. She traveled to Bucharest and Warsaw to reinforce the U.S. commitment to Ukraine, to NATO, and to Europe's security. In the wake of the US-Africa Summit in Washington, Vice President Harris traveled to Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia, recognizing the central role Sub-Saharan Africa and its rapidly expanding markets will play in our future. To address the root causes of migration, she led U.S. efforts to promote democratic governance, security, protections for human rights, and economic opportunity in Central America.

Foreign Policy for America is a nonpartisan advocacy organization working to strengthen support for principled American engagement in the world. We support policies that keep Americans safe and out of conflicts, advance prosperity for all, and are true to our country’s highest values.   


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